Your County Needs You:
HIBA are looking for a new Secretary, Vice Chairman and Treasurer
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Presidents Message
Welcome to all Indoor County Bowlers.
Once again it is both an honour and privilege to be elected County President for the 2024/2025 Indoor Bowls season.
The HIBA is now entering into an exciting phase especially now that ladies can compete in their own County Competitions, the introduction of a Ladies County League and perhaps more importantly, being able to take part in County “Friendly” matches. I would encourage them to take up the opportunity to participate.
This new structure has been introduced by the County Committee to ensure the existence of the HIBA. It is therefore very important that all our male and female members consider their involvement throughout 2024/2025 by taking a more active role either as a club delegate, perhaps filling one of the vacant positions on the committee or taking part in County matches and Competitions etc.
Can I take this opportunity to thank all the Officers, Committee Members and Delegates for their continued support throughout my presidency and for the tireless work they give for the benefit of the HIBA.
My thanks also to the Watford IBC for their continued support.
I very much look forward to visiting all our affiliated clubs during the forthcoming season and meeting you all “in person”.
May I extend my best wishes and good luck to all our bowlers.
Kind regards,
Tony Roberts
President HIBA